513 Shorey Rd, Westfield, ME 04787, US
(207) 429-8105 Email is the best way to get in touch with us. Contact: krista'at'aroostookhops.com jason'at'aroostookhops.com or click the button below.
Brewing partners are always welcome to visit our farm and see things in action. Please contact us to arrange a visit!
Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate each individual request from the public for on-site visits/tours. Contact us to check about availability. Please do not drop by without arranging something ahead of time.
We do welcome all visitors for a fall hop harvest field day annually, usually held on Labor Day weekend. This is an opportunity for people to come tour a hopyard, see our mechanical hop harvester in action, feel and smell ripe hop cones, and learn about processing hops after harvesting (drying, pelletizing, and packaging). Information about this event is posted on both our Facebook page and our website each August.
Copyright © 2018 Aroostook Hops - All Rights Reserved.
513 Shorey Rd. Westfield, ME 04787 (207) 429-8105